Sunday Services
Every Sunday
Holy Communion
3rd Sunday of the month
Traditional Communion (BCP)
All Age Communion Celebration
Every Thursday
Mid-Week Communion
New here?
We recognise that sometimes it can feel a little bit daunting to go somewhere for the first time.
If you would like to attend a service and would find it helpful for someone to meet you, please contact us and we will make arrangements for this to happen.
10am Holy Communion (including 'Seekers')
This service is a contemporary service for anyone. During our first hymn 'Seekers' (junior church) relocate to the hall for their fun activities, crafts and Bible story. The service continues with worship, a talk and Holy Communion before the children return for the blessing. Refreshments are served at the end of the service.
8:30am - Holy Communion (BCP) - 3rd Sunday of the month
Savour the rich language of the 1662 Book of Common Prayer in this traditional spoken service with a sermon. Even if you have never experienced BCP before, the overall pattern will be familiar.
10am - All Age Celebration Service - 3rd Sunday of the month
An informal service focused on being accessible to all. There is sung worship, readings, a short talk and engaging activities. Refreshments are served after the service.
11:30am - Mid-Week Communion - Thursday
A simple, spoken mid-week Holy Communion service,
followed by tea & coffee.
Seekers (Junior Church)
The children meet with the rest of us and join in with fun & lively worship before relocating to the hall where they continue the fun with other activities to include, stories, crafts, games and modern worship songs.
Parents then have opportunity to stay in church to worship before the children rejoin us near the end of the service.